Enginedoes notstart
WARNING: Beforeinspecting, cleaningor servicing the machine,shut off engine,wait for all
moving partsto come to a complete stop, disconnectspark plug wireand move wire awayfrom
spark plug. Failureto follow these instructions canresult in serious personalinjury or property
1. Spark plug wire disconnected
2. EngineThrottle Control Lever incorrectly set.
3. Fueltank empty.
4. Choke control (if so equipped) in incorrect position.
5. Stale gasoline.
6. Dirty air filter.
7. Defective or incorrectly gapped spark plug.
8. Carburetor out of adjustment.
9. Misadjusted throttle control.
10. Dirt orwater infuel tank.
1. Defective or incorrectly gapped spark plug.
2. Dirty air filter(s).
3. Carburetor out of adjustment.
4. Stale gasoline.
5. Dirt or water infuel tank.
6. Enginecooling system clogged.
1. Enginecooling system clogged.
2. Carburetor out of adjustment.
3. Oil level is low.
1. Misadjusted throttle control or ignition switch.
1. Improper useof controls.
2. Worn, broken, or misadjusted drive belt(s).
3. Internal transmission wear or damage.
4. Bolt loose in transmission pulley.
1. Wheel Drive Pins not in WHEELDRIVE.
2. Bolt loose in transmission pulley.
3. Internal transmission wear or damage.
1. Tineholder mounting hardware missing.
2. Bolt loose in transmission pulley.
3. Internal transmission wear or damage.
1. Worn tines.
2. Improper Depth Regulator setting.
3. Incorrectthrottle setting.
4. Forward Drive Beltslipping.
2. Put lever in STARTposition.
3. Add fuel.
4. See EngineOwner'sManual.
5. Drain fuel and addfresh fuel.
6. Clean or replace filter.
7. Inspect spark plug.
8. See EngineServiceDealer.
9. See EngineServiceDealer
10. See EngineServiceDealer.
Inspectspark plug (see EngineOwner's Manual).
2. Clean or replace (seeEngineOwner's Manual).
3. See EngineServiceDealer.
4. Replacewith fresh gasoline.
5. See EngineServiceDealer.
6. Cleanair cooling system (see EngineOwner's Manual).
Cleanair cooling area (seeEngine Owner'sManual).
2. See EngineServiceDealer.
3. Checkoil level(seeEngineOwner's Manual).
1. See EngineOwner's Manualor EngineService Dealer.
1. ReviewSections 3 and4.
2. See "Checking Drive Belt Tension," Section 5.
3. Contact local dealer or the factory.
4. Tighten bolt.
1. See "Wheel Drive Pins" in Section 3.
2. Tighten bolt.
3. Contact local Dealeror the Factory.
1. Replacehardware.
2. Tighten bolt.
3. Contact local Dealeror the Factory.
1. See "Bolo Tines" (Section 5).
2. See "Tilling Tips & Techniques," Section 4.
3. See Section 4.
4. See "Checking Forward Drive Belt Tension,"Section 5.