Use your left hand to hold the Wheels/Tines/PTO Drive
Lever up in REVERSE, while briefly pulling out engine recoil
starter. The reverse disc should turn the lower pulley. See
Fig. 6-21. If not, or it requires a lot of pressure to hold the
lever up in REVERSE, then the reverse adjustment bolt
must be adjusted downward. When correctly adjusted, the
Wheels/Tines/PTO Drive Lever should pop out of reverse
when the lever is released, but not require exceptional
effort to hold it up in reverse position.
Shift the Wheels/Tines/PTO Drive Lever to REVERSE and
then let it go. The lever should return to NEUTRAL. If
not, the reverse adjustment bolt will have to be adjusted
Adjusting the Reverse Drive:
Place the Wheels/Tines/PTO Drive Lever in FORWARD
On the left side of the tiller, put a ⁄” wrench on the plunger
retaining bolt and another ⁄” wrench on the jam nut next
to it. See Fig. 6-22.
While holding the bolt steady, loosen the jam nut
(counterclockwise) until it touches the bolt head.
Turn the bolt in until it tightens against the plunger inside
the spring. The bolt must be tight to prevent the plunger
from turning — be careful not to overtighten and break
the bolt.
Place a ⁄” wrench on the head of the reverse adjustment
bolt and a ⁄” wrench on the jam nut below it. See Fig 6-
23. Hold the bolt steady while loosening the jam nut three
or four turns.
Figure 6-22
Figure 6-23
Recoil Starter Handle
Drive Lever
Figure 6-21
35sectiOn 6 — Maintenance & adjustMents