En gine fails to start 1. Blade con trol han dle dis en -
2. Spark plug wire dis con nected.
3. Fuel tank empty, or stale fuel.
4. Blocked fuel line.
5. Faulty spark plug.
6. En gine flooded.
1. En gage blade con trol han dle.
2. Con nect spark plug wire.
3. Fill tank with clean, fresh gas o line.
4. Clean the fuel line.
5. Clean, ad just gap or re place.
6. Wait a few min utes to re start, but
do not prime.
En gine runs er ratic 1. Spark plug wire loose.
2. Blocked fuel line or stale fuel.
3. Vent in gas plugged.
4. Wa ter or dirt in fuel sys tem.
5. Dirty air cleaner.
6. Car bu re tor out of ad just ment.
1. Con nect and tighten spark plug wire.
2. Clean the fuel line; fill the tank
with clean, fresh gas o line.
3. Clear vent.
4. Drain the fuel tank and car bu re -
tor. Re fill with fresh fuel.
5. Clean air cleaner.
6. Ad just car bu re tor.
En gine over heats 1. En gine oil level low.
2. Air flow re stricted.
3. Car bu re tor not ad justed prop -
1. Fill crank case with proper oil.
2. Re move blower hous ing and
3. Ad just car bu re tor.
Idles poorly 1. Spark plug fouled, faulty or gap
too wide.
2. Car bu re tor im prop erly ad justed.
3. Dirty air cleaner.
1. Re set gap to .030" or re place
spark plug.
2. Ad just car bu re tor.
3. Clean air cleaner.
Ex ces sive vi bra tion 1. Cut ting blade loose or un bal -
2. Bent cut ting blade.
1. Tighten blade and adapter. Bal -
ance blade.
2. Re place blade.
Mower will not mulch grass 1. Wet grass.
2. Ex ces sively high grass.
3. Dull blade.
1. Do not mow when gras is set;
wait un til later to cut.
2. Mow once at a high cut ting
height, then mow again at de -
sired height or make a nar rower
cut ting path.
3. Sharpen or re place blade.
Un even cut 1. Wheels not po si tioned cor rectly.
2. Dull blade.
1. Place all four wheels in same
hight po si tion.
2. Sharpen or re place blade.
Wheels will not pro pel 1. Belt not in stalled prop erly.
2. De bris clog ging drive op er a tion.
1. Check belt for proper pul ley in -
stal la tion and move ment.
2. Clean out de bris.
NOTE: For re pairs be yond the mi nor ad just ments listed above, con tract your near est au tho rized
ser vice dealer.