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1. To set the heart-rate limit press SET once. The lower heart rate
limit is indicated by the text LO and the upper limit by HI. If
desired, the user interface indicates when your heart rate falls
below the lower limit or exceeds the upper limit with an alarm. To
set heart rate limits procede as follows:
:: The lower limit (LO) may be set between 50 and 220 beats per
minute. Use the - or + keys to set the value and press OK to
confi rm. Set the upper heart-rate limit (max. 220) in the same way
as for the lower limit. Press OK to confi rm.
:: To delete heart-rate limits use the - or + key to move the values
above the permitted upper or lower limit. The value is then
replaced by — on the display.
2. To select the alarm press SET twice. The text Ind OFF indicates
that the alarms are switched off and Ind ON that they are
switched on. Use the - or + keys to select OFF or ON and press
OK to confi rm.
3. To set units of measurement press SET three times.
:: Default units are rpm, km and kcal.
:: To change the units press the + or - key until the desired units are
:: To measure speed you can set either revolutions per minute,
(rpm), kilometres per hour (km/h) or miles per hour (mph).
Energy consumption measurement can be set for kilocalories
(kcal) or kilojoules (kJ).
:: In addition to rpm you can also select either kilometres (km) or
miles as distance measures. If km/h is selected as the unit to
measure speed, km will automatically be the unit for distance. The
same applies to the units mph and miles.
:: Press OK to confi rm your selections, which are then saved and
indicated on the main display.
:: Press the RESET key to exit the setting function without saving
the adjustment. This resets the readings on the main display.
Measure your recovery pulse rate at the end of the workout. To measure
recovery pulse rate press PROG until the text “Recovery” appears on the
display. Press OK to confi rm.
:: The measurement of recovery pulse takes two minutes, during
which time the current heart rate is displayed. During measuring
the text “Recovery” fl ashes on the display.
:: At the end of the measurement period the recovery ratio
percentage is displayed. The smaller the reading the fi tter you are.
Note that results are individual and not directly comparable with
those of others.
NOTE! If there is a problem in pulse measurement, the display will
show - - instead of the heart rate, and measurement of recovery pulse
will automatically restart when the user interface once again receives a
heart-rate signal.
:: Press OK to move from recovery pulse measurement to the
main display. The main display will appear automatically 1 minute
after the measurement.
When the user interface has not been used for three minutes (no heart
rate registered, no keys pressed, no pedalling), it automatically switches
itself to energy-saver state. The interface is returned to its active state by
pressing any key, starting to pedal or sending heart-rate signals to the
unit. The values in a workout that has been interrupted are saved in
the memory of the user interface for 10 minutes, after which they are
reset. The values on the display are always reset when the RESET key
is pressed.