Ultra Electronics Card Systems Quick Start Guide
MAGICARD Sicura Laminator Page 15
The Rio/Tango printer can print cards faster than the Sicura can laminate them. There
is a hopper capacity of about 12 cards, but to reduce the speed discrepancy, it is
recommended that the printer is operated in ColorSure mode (refer to the Rio/Tango
Quick-Start Guide).
An interface cable ensures that the printer does not feed cards into the Sicura
laminator until the laminator is ready.
Clip the card Feed Hopper to the end of
the Sicura card laminator. Make sure
the Card Deflection Plate is fitted.
Position the Sicura against the Printer
so that cards frpm the printer drop into
the hopper.
Connect the interface cable from the
laminator. Check that the DIL Switch
selections are ‘UP’ (see Section F4).
Switch on and allow the laminator to
warm up. Print and laminate a test card
by operating the Test pushbutton at the
rear of the printer.