ProSafe Dual WAN Gigabit Firewall with SSL & IPsec VPN FVS336G Reference Manual
9-4 Monitoring System Performance
v1.2, June 2008
Activating Notification of Events and Alerts
The Firewall Logs can be configured to log and then e-mail denial of access, general attack
information, and other information to a specified e-mail address. For example, your VPN firewall
will log security-related events such as: accepted and dropped packets on different segments of
your LAN; denied incoming and outgoing service requests; hacker probes and login attempts; and
other general information based on the settings you input on the Firewall Logs & E-mail menu. In
addition, if you have set up Content Filtering on the Block Sites screen (see “Blocking Internet
Sites (Content Filtering)” on page 4-20), a log will be generated when someone on your network
tries to access a blocked site.
You must have e-mail notification enabled to receive the logs in an e-mail message. If you don't
have e-mail notification enabled, you can view the logs by clicking the View Logs option arrow to
the right of the tab. Selecting all events will increase the size of the log, so it is good practice to
select only those events which are required
To configure logging and notifications:
1. Select Monitoring > Firewall Logs & E-mail from the main menu. The Firewall Logs & E-
mail screen displays.
2. Enter the name of the log in the Log Identifier field. Log Identifier is a mandatory field used
to identify which device sent the log messages. The identifier is appended to log messages.
3. In the Routing Logs section, select the network segments for which you would like logs to be
sent (for example, LAN to WAN under Dropped Packets).
4. In the System Logs section, select the type of system events to be logged.
5. Check Yes to enable E-mail Logs. Then enter:
a. E-mail Server address. Enter either the IP address or Internet name of your ISP’s
outgoing E-mail SMTP server. If you leave this box blank, no logs will be sent to you.
b. Return E-mail Address. Enter an e-mail address to appear as the sender.
c. Send To E-mail Address. Enter the e-mail address where the logs and alerts should be
sent. You must use the full e-mail address (for example, jsmith@example.com).
6. No Authentication is selected by default. If your SMTP server requires user authentication,
select the required authentication type—either Login Plain or CRAM-MD5. Then enter the
user name and password to be used for authentication.