Columns within the Contacts Grid can be placed in any order you wish. To move
column, simply drag its heading to the new location.
Resizing Column Widths
olumns within the Contacts Grid can be resized by doing one of the following:
right. Alternatively, double-click to auto-resize.
• From the Tools menu, choose Auto-Size Column Widths.
Position the cursor on the line between two column headings and drag left or
U e cons
T A es whether a scanned image is
a c wn below:
nd rstanding the Attached Column I
he ttached column in the Contacts Grid indicat
sso iated with that contact row, as sho
he NeatWorks Scanner can be used to scan any paper-based document (including
ontracts, warranties, articles, recipes, and more), allowing you to store such
documents electronically and discard the paper versions. Once a document is
scanned, you can add and edit information in the Quick Scan Center. After you've
g the Document Organizer