The Fi
it quic
by La irst Name, or Company Name.
sing Find Contacts
nd Contacts panel stretches across the top of the Business Organizer, making
k and easy to find contacts fast.
You can use Find Contacts to locate a contact
st Name, F
1. Choose Last Name, First Name, or Company Name from the Find by dropdown
Click on the letter or number that the contact's first name, last name, or
company name begins with or click on ALL to view all of your contacts.
Contacts matching your criterion will appear in the Contacts Grid.
Searching for a Keyword
search for text:
to search for information in
1. Open the organizer in which you'd like to conduct your search.
Note: The Search feature works on an organizer-by-organizer level,
which means you should open the
Receipt Organizer to search for
receipt information, the
Business Card Organizer to search for co
information, or the
Document Organizer
2. Click in the white box to the left of the
Advanced Search button, as
highlighted in the image
3. Enter a search term.