• Donotoperatethisdevicenearawatersourcetoavoidelectrocution.
• Donotusewithpowersupplyvoltageotherthan120VAC.
• Donotdefeatthesafetypurposeofthepolarizedplug.Apolarizedplug
has two blades with one wider than the other. The wider blade is provided
for your safety. If the provided plug does not fit in your outlet, consult an
electrician for replacement of the obsolete outlet.
• Closesupervisionisrecommendedwhentheselampsareusedbyornear
children, or others who may not understand the need for these precautions.
• Donotoperatelampincloseproximitytoflammableorcombustiblevapors,
such as aerosol spray products, or where oxygen is being administered.
• Topreventriskofshockorpersonalinjurywhencleaninglamp,makesure
you have turned off and unplugged the lamp, and allowed sufficient time for
the bulb to cool.
• Ifthislamphasbeendamagedinanyway,forexample,thepowersupply
fallen onto the lamp, the lamp has been exposed to rain or moisture, the
lamp does not operate normally or has been dropped, it should not be
operated. There are no user serviceable parts in this lamp.
• Donotblockvents.Ventsareneccessaryforproperfunctionofthe
electronic ballast; blocking them may cause overheating of the electronics
and increase risk of fire.
• Differentpeoplereactdifferentlytothelightfromenergylamps.Follow
directions for device pretest on page 5 prior to use.
• Theselampsareforindooruseonly.
• Donotplacethislampnearanyheatsourcessuchasradiators,heat
registers, stoves or other apparatus (including amplifiers) that produce heat.
• Avoidplacingthislampinareasthatareexposedtodirectsunlightorclose
to heat-radiating products such as heaters. Do not place the lamp on the
top of appliances that radiate heat.
• Protectthepowercordfrombeingwalkedonorpinched,particularlyat
plugs, convenience receptacles and the point where the power cord exits
the lamp.
• Unpluglampduringlightningstormsorwhenunusedforlongperiods.
• Avoidplacingthelampinareasthataredusty,humid/moist,lackventilation
Important Safeguards