• Toavoidelectrocution,donotoperatethisdevicenearwater.
• Donotusewithpowersupplyvoltageotherthan120VAC.
• Donotdefeatthesafetypurposeofthepolarizedplug.Apolarizedplughastwo
blades with one wider than the other. The wider blade is provided for your safety. If
the provided plug does not fit in your outlet, consult an electrician for replacement of
the obsolete outlet.
• Closesupervisionisrecommendedwhentheselampsareusedbyornearchildren,
or others who may not understand the need for these precautions.
• Donotoperatethislampincloseproximitytoflammableorcombustiblevapors,
such as aerosol spray products, or where oxygen is being administered.
• Topreventriskofshockorpersonalinjurywhencleaningthislamp,makesureyouhave
turned off and unplugged the lamp and allowed sufficient time for the bulb to cool.
• Ifthislamphasbeendamagedinanyway,forexample,thepowersupplycord
or plug has been damaged, liquid has been spilled or objects have fallen onto the
lamp, the lamp has been exposed to rain or moisture, the lamp does not operate
normally or has been dropped, it should not be operated. There are no user
serviceable parts in this lamp.
• Donotblockvents.Ventsareneccessaryforproperfunctionoftheelectronicballast;
blocking them may cause overheating of the electronics and increase risk of fire.
• Thebulbinthisproductcontainsatraceamountofmercury,achemicalknown
to the state of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm. This
substance may also cause injury if inhaled or ingested from a broken bulb.
• Somepeoplemayexperiencelightsensitivitytofluorescentlighting.Discontinueuse
if you experience any discomfort. Follow directions for pretest on page 6 prior to use.
• Certaindrugsmayinducelightsensitivity(e.g.,anti-depressants)whichmayresult
in discomfort or a level of hyperactivity. Consult with your health care provider before
using this product.
• Ifyouhaveapre-existingeyecondition,consultwithyourhealthcareproviderbefore
using this product.
• Thisproductcontainsmagnets.Ifyouhaveapacemaker,implantabledebrillator,
insulin pump, any other type of electro-mechanical device, or brain shunts that contain
• ChokingHazard:Thislampcontainssmallparts.Closesupervisionisrecommended
when these lamps are used by or near children.
• Theselampsareforindooruseonly.
• Avoidplacingthislampinareasthatareexposedtodirectsunlightorclosetoheat-
radiating products such as heaters. Do not place the lamp on the top of appliances
that radiate heat.
• Protectthepowercordfrombeingwalkedonorpinched,particularlyatplugs,
convenience receptacles and the point where the power cord exits the lamp.
Important Safeguards