Quality Control
6.4.1 Normal work test
Normal work tests are generally to be implemented and controlled by the
Operator prior to carrying out welding works at a construction and after a
certain number of welds. The number of welds after which a normal work test
is necessary is agreed with the customer.
The normal work test is restricted to the stud diameters, base material and
stud welder type used. It includes the following tests:
• Visual check (all samples)
• Tension test (at least 3 samples)
• Bending test (at least 3 samples)
In case of doubt, the scope of testing should be extended in compliance with
the DVS Directive 0905, part 2, section 5.1.1).
6.4.2 Simplified work test
Simplified work tests serve to control the correct stud welder setting and
functioning of the equipment. They are carried out before starting any shift or
after any interruption lasting for several hours.
The simplified work test includes:
• Visual check (all samples)
• Bending test (all samples)
6.5 Implementation of sample taking
6.5.1 Production of samples
The studs for the work test are welded to a sheet metal the minimum size of
which is 700 mm x 200 mm. The same welding positions and distances to the
borders shall be adhered to as on the construction part. Identical parts to
those to be used in later production should be used for the tests provided this
is possible and economically justifiable.
6.5.2 Visual check
The visual check serves as a rough control to detect any possible major faults.
The uniformity of the welding is assessed. Tension or bending tests must be
carried out in case of doubt.