23. [−]
Minus Key
Subtracts an amount from the accumulator. To subtract the same amount more
than one time (repeat subtraction), enter that amount once and depress the [−]
key as many times as necessary. If this key is depressed immediately after [%±]
key, it works as percent minus key.
Used to enter ‘−’ in PC Application.
24. [+]
Plus Key
Adds an amount to the accumulator. To add the same amount more than one
time (repeat addition), enter that amount once and depress the [+] key as many
times as necessary. If this key is depressed immediately after [%±] key, it works
as percent plus key.
Used to enter ‘+’ in PC Application.
Time and Date Display Key
Used to display or program the date and time. Depressing this key once will
cause the date to display, a second depression will display the time. Holding the
key down for three seconds will cause the date or time to flash, this is the
program mode.
26. [# / S]
Date / Subtotal Key
: It will print live entry as an identifier as an invoice number with “#” mark.
: It prints but does not clear the accumulator.
27. [T]
Total Key
Prints and clears the accumulator. When this key is pressed with the “GT” switch
is on, the result is accumulated automatically in the Memory register.
Enter Key
Used to enter new paragraphs in PC application.
28. [MT]
Memory Total Key
Prints and clears the memory.
Move Up Arrow Key
Used to move to one cell up in PC application.
29. [MS]
Memory Subtotal Key
Prints but do not clear the memory.
Move Down Arrow Key
Used to move to one cell down in PC application.