6. [↑] Paper feed key
Advance the paper roll.
7. [Δ%] Delta Percentage
Automatically compares any two amounts and then calculates and prints the
percent change.
8. [COST] Cost key
Calculate amount exclude profit margin. Used to enter the cost when
determining the margin or sell price.
9. [SELL] Sell key
Calculate amount include profit margin. Used to enter the sell price when
determining the cost or margin.
[MARGIN] Profit margin
Used to enter profit margin. Used to enter the profit margin when determining
the cost or sell price.
11. [RATE] TAX rate preset key
Used to enter TAX rate.
12. [TAX1] Tax 1 key
Calculate an amount Value Added Tax (VAT) with tax rate preset by RATE key.
Use + key for calculating an amount including VAT, and – key for calculating an
amount excluding VAT.
13. [TAX2] Tax 2 key
Calculate an amount VAT with tax rate preset by RATE key. Use + key for
calculating an amount including VAT, and – key for calculating an amount
excluding VAT.
14. [→] Right shift key
Deletes right most character of a live entry
15. [%+
] Percent key
Completes percent calculation when Multiple or Division key is used.
16. [GT] Grand Total key
Print and clear the Grand Total Accumulator.
17. [CE/C] Clear Entry / Clear key