3. Push the crown back to position 1 once the desired time is set.
Setting the date (for timepieces with dual time function)
1. Pullout thecrownto position3.Turnthecrown clockwiseto move
hands untilyou reach midnight (asthe calendar jump phaseis sit-
uated at 12:00 midnight) and then set the correct time.
2. Set the crown in position 2.
3. Turn it clockwise to the desireddate.
4. Push the crown back to position 1.
Thealarm canbe setto operateonly within aperiodof 12hours inrelation towhen
it is set. Setting the alarm hands on the dial subdivisions between the numerals
allows accurate setting at 15 minute intervals.
Setting the alarm time:
1. Pull out the crown to position 2.
2. Move thecrown clockwise toset the alarm
3. Pushthe crownback toposition 1oncethe
desired alarm time is set.
Switching on the alarm:
Pullout thealarm pusher(A) toposition 2.The
activationof thealarmis confirmedbya beep.
English Otherfunctions:Alarm
English USA Basic VSA 24.9.2009 11:21 Page 8