
For this amp type, we modeled the Clean channel of a very rare, very expensive
and respected 100 Watt head named the Overdrive Special. We auditioned sev-
eral top-shelf boutique amps for this model but this amp was the clear winner. Its
beautifully rounded low-end, delightfully transient mid-range attack and sweet tre-
ble make it the perfect clean sound to complement the high gain destruction that
will ensue further down this sound list.
Original’s tube compliment: 3 x 12AX7s in preamp, 4 x 6L6s in power amp.
This dual channel, black-faced beauty is considered a “must- have” 2x12 combo
for many professionals. Its celebrated clean sound is very tight “n” twangy, with a
deep, taut, piano-like bass. This hot-rodded clean sound was inspired by the
glassy clean sounds used by a famous funk metal band. In keeping with the origi-
nal, when pushed hard the bass tends to crumble so raise the MIDDLE and lower
the BASS. Because the EQ network of the FUNKED model lies before the main
gain stage of its preamp, pushing the mids results in a singing clean tone.
Original’s tube compliment: 4 x 12AX7s & 2 x 12AT7 (a.k.a. ECC81) in preamp,
4 x 6L6s in power amp.
Fire up the BUZZSAW! This sound was inspired by the pioneering sounds of '70s
hard rock and metal. Based on a British-made 50-watt head, this sound churns
out a dark, grinding tone perfect for any aspiring prince of darkness! To create this
sound, we started with the “High Treble” channel of a 1971, 50 Watt, four input, all-
valve head then we cranked the gain and boosted all bands of the original's EQ.
As this amp has no master volume facility, the way to use it to its full potential is to
crank the Volume. To achieve the same response as the original, turn the VOL-
UME to maximum and use the Master Volume to set your desired volume level.
Wind the GAIN control all the way up and immerse yourself in an instantly recog-
nizable, organic, driving overdrive.
Original’s valve compliment: 3 x ECC83s in preamp, 2 x EL34s in power amp.
This sound is based on a very rare modded VOX AC30/6TBX Top Boost combo
and adds hot-rodded gain levels and a completely twisted EQ to deliver deep,
crunchy guitar tones. GAIN, TREBLE and BASS mimic the original’s Volume, Tre-
ble and Bass controls.
The MIDDLE is an “extra” with 12 o’clock being its “neutral” position.
Our CRUNCHED AC30TB model produces rich overdrives that have a glorious, throaty
bark -just like those classic, “Class A” tones that have made the original a “must have”
in any serious player’s amp collection but taken to a whole new level in the XL range!