n the popular domain of “Classic Rock” Brian May needs no introduction. Thanks
to his expansive body of work with Queen, he is quite literally a global institution.
In addition to being one of the genre’s finest songwriters and arrangers, fans and
critics alike consider him to be one of rock’s most distinctive and tasteful guitarists.
And, just like his unique playing style, Brian’s instantly recognisable guitar tone is
highly revered, fortifying his status as a living legend.
As you know, throughout his lengthy and highly successful career Brian has always
been associated with Vox amps and his celebrated wall of nine AC30 combos is a
“Brian May trademark” that is instantly recognized in all four corners of the globe. As
soon as said “wall” is spotted on a stage, the audience immediately knows who is
going to be plugging into it!
What isn’t as well known is the source of many of Brian’s most celebrated recorded
tones. Believe it or not, many of them have been made using a tiny, homemade
combo that was built for him by Queen’s bassist, John Deacon, back in the early
‘70s. Because of its maker’s name, this unique and wonderful sounding little device
was christened the “Deacy” amp and, as just stated, its unique voice can be heard
on some of Brian’s and Queen’s most famous recordings, including “The Fairy
Feller’s Master-stroke” & “Bijou”, to name but two.
By working extremely closely with Brian, we are proud to offer you this exciting
new product — the
Brian May Special