
12 Agilent E1538A Enhanced Frequency/Totalize/PWM SCP
Checking the ID
of the SCP
To verify the SCP type(s) installed on your VXI module, use the
SYSTem:CTYPe? (@<channel>) command.
The channel parameter specifies a single channel in the channel range
covered by the SCP of interest. The first channel number for each of the
eight SCP positions are; 0,8,16,24,32,40,48, and 56.
The value returned for the E1538A SCP is:
HEWLETT-PACKARD,E1538A Enhanced Frequency/Totalize/PWM SCP,0,0
To determine the type of SCP installed on channels 0 through 7 send
SYST:CTYPE? (@100)
query SCP type @ ch 0
enter statement here
enter response string
Configuring the
The E1538A has eight digital channels. The Power-on and *RST state is that
all input-configured channels sense static digital state
(SENS:FUNC:COND), and all output-configured channels output static
digital state (SOUR:FUNC:COND). Logical sense is normal
Configuring I/O Direction Channels are configured for input or output with the I/O direction switches
(see "Setting Configuration Switches" on page 6).
Programming Input
This section deals with all aspects of programming input channel functions.
Channels are configured for input with the I/O direction switches (see
"Configuring Input-Output direction" on page 6). A related error message:
3123,"E1538 OE switch ON conflicts with this command."
Setting the Input
Threshold Level
The E1538 allows programmatically setting the input threshold level for each
input configured channel. The input threshold can be set from -46VDC to
+46VDC with .375V resolution. While input polarity is set to NORMAL, an
input level higher than the threshold level is considered a logic one, and an
input level lower than the threshold level is considered a logic zero. If input
polarity is set to INVerted, an input level higher than the threshold level is
considered a logic zero and an input level lower than the threshold level is
considered a logic one. To set input threshold level use the command
INPut:THReshold:LEVel <level>,(@<ch_list>)
<level> is a value between -46 and +46 inclusive. The resolution for
<level> is 0.375 Volts. The *RST and power-on default for <level> is
1.78 volts.
Note The value sent for <level> will be rounded to the nearest multiple of 0.375
Volts. For instance, 5 would be 4.875, 10 would be 10.125, 9.5 would be
9.375, and 15 would be 15. The INP:THR:LEV? query will return the
actual setting.