Be sure to stretch for a few minutes before you begin.
1. Basic Crunch
This exercise
targets the
upper abdom-
inals. Lie on
the exercise
mat, and bend
your knees as
shown. Place
your hands
near the upper
ends of the
handles. Curl up to about a 45¡ angle, and then lower
yourself to the starting position. This completes one rep-
etition. Perform 10 to 15 repetitions.
2. Basic Crunch with Raised Feet
This exercise
focuses on the
lower abdom-
inals. This
should be per-
formed in the
same way as
the Basic
except your
feet should be held about one inch off the floor during
the exercise. Complete 10 to 15 repetitions.
3. Basic Oblique Crunch
This exercise
is for the
Perform this
exercise in the
same way as
the Basic
Crunch, but
turn your
knees to the
side as shown. Complete 5 to 7 repetitions, change your
knees to the opposite side, and then perform another 5
to 7 repetitions.
The AB
offers a variety
of exercises
that shape your
upper abdomi-
nals, oblique
and lower
The photographs in this manual show the correct form
for each exercise. If desired, attach this manual to the
wall for reference.
The exercises in this manual are divided into four
groups: Beginning, Intermediate, Advanced, and Expert.
Start with the beginning exercises, and progress at your
own pace. Be careful not to overdo it during the first
few weeks of your exercise program. It is better to
increase the number of repetitions you do than to
advance to more difficult exercises too quickly. The
intensity of each exercise can be varied by changing the
position of your hands on the AB CRUNCH TRAINER
handles. The lower your hands are positioned, the more
difficult the exercise will be.
To get the most from your exercise, proper form is
important. As you perform each repetition, use your
abdominal muscles to pull yourself up, allowing the AB
CRUNCH TRAINER to ÒrollÓ with you. Do not press
or pull the handles together. Keep your head on the
headrest and the small of your back on the exercise mat.
If necessary, raise your hips slightly.
Always begin and end each workout with a few minutes
of stretching. Remember to keep plenty of water nearby
as you exercise, and drink periodically to avoid dehy-
dration. If you feel faint, dizzy, or short of breath at
any time during exercise, stop immediately and
begin cooling down.
Suggested Stretches
1. Hamstring Stretch
Extend one leg
and rest the
opposite foot
against it as
shown. Reach
toward your
toes and hold
for 15 counts.
Repeat 3 times
for each leg.
2. Toe Touch Stretch
Stand with
your knees
bent slightly as
shown. Relax
your back and
shoulders as
you reach
down toward
your toes. Hold
for 15 counts.
Repeat 3 times.
3. Quadriceps Stretch
Place one hand
against a wall
and grasp one
foot with your
other hand as
shown. Hold
your foot as
close to your
buttocks as
possible, and
hold for 15
counts. Repeat
3 times for
each leg.
WARNING: Before you begin this or any exer-
cise program, consult your physician. This is
especially important for persons over the age of
35 or persons with pre-existing health problems.
ICON assumes no responsibility for personal
injury or property damage sustained by or
through the use of this product.
Beginning Exercises
Begin and end each workout with a few minutes of
stretching. Stretching prepares the body for exercise by
increasing the body temperature, heart rate, and circula-
tion. After exercise, stretching allows the heart rate to
return to normal and the muscles to cool down gradual-
ly. Stretching is also effective for increasing flexibility.
The correct form for three basic stretches is shown
below. Move slowly as you stretchÑnever bounce.
As your abdominal muscles become stronger, and you
can comfortably perform several repetitions of the
beginning exercises, it is time to move on to the inter-
mediate exercises. Remember to stretch for a few min-
utes before you begin.
4. Raised-knee Crunch with Knees Held to Chest
This exercise
focuses on
the upper
Lie on the
exercise mat
and bring
your knees
toward your
chest as
shown. Curl
up to about a 45¡ angle, and then lower yourself to the
starting position. Keep your knees raised throughout the
exercise. Complete 10 to 15 repetitions.
This exercise can also be performed by resting your feet
on a chair.
5. Raised-knee Crunch with Knees Lifted to Chest
This exercise
targets the
lower abdom-
inals. The
starting posi-
tion is shown
in photograph
5a. Curl up to
about a 45¡
angle, bring-
ing your
knees toward
your chest at
the same
time; then
return to the
starting posi-
tion. Perform
10 to 15 rep-
Intermediate Exercises