i2. Press two 25mm Square Inner Caps (54) intothe
indicatedend ofthe Backrest Frame (15).
Attach a PlasticFoot (53) tothe Backrest Frame
(15) with an M4 x 16ram Screw (62).
Attach the two Guard Plates (17) to the inside of
the Backrest Frame (15) with four M4 x 16mm
Screws (62).
13. Odent the Backrest(14) and the Backrest
Backing(8) as shown. Attach the Backrest and
the Backrest Backingto the BackrestFrame (15)
with four M6 x 45mm Bolts(58).
14. Insertthe rod on the Backrest Frame (15) intothe
slot inthe Seat Carriage (12). Hold the Backrest
Frame vertically over the Seat Carriage and
slide the rod into the slot, as shown in the
inset drawing.
15. Attach the two 10-Pound Short CrossbowCaps
(20) tothe 10-Pound Center Crossbow(44) with
two M4 x 12mm Flat Head Screws (85).
Attach the two 10-Pound CrossbowCaps (101) to
the 10-Pound Removable Crossbow(67), the two
20-Pound CrossbowCaps (88) tothe 20-Pound
Removable Crossbow(36), the four 80-Pound
CrossbowCaps (100) to the two 80-Pound
Crossbows(95), and the two 40-Pound Crossbow
Caps (79) tothe 40-Pound Crossbow(96) with
ten M4 x 12mm Flat Head Screws (85).
SS . 53
L' 62
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