Part number 550-141-850/069914
GOLD GV Water boiler series 3 — manualGOLD GV Water boiler series 3 — manual
GOLD GV Water boiler series 3 — manualGOLD GV Water boiler series 3 — manual
GOLD GV Water boiler series 3 — manual
Prepare boiler location — air openings
GV combustion air options
Using inside air — non-direct vent
The GV boiler can use inside air if no contaminants are
present in the boiler space.
Using outside air — direct vent
Combustion air can be ducted directly from outside to
the GV boiler air intake fitting. The installation is defined
as direct vent (also referred to as sealed combustion).
Sizing air openings
Air openings to the GV boiler space are always required,
regardless whether combustion air is taken from inside or
outside. These air openings provide for ventilation (as
well as combustion air) to prevent overheating of the
boiler controls and boiler space. Air is also needed for
other appliances located in the same space.
Use Figure 3, cases a through d, depending on how the
air is supplied and whether the space contains only the
GV or other appliances as well. The air opening sizing of
Figure 3 is based on ANSI Z223.1, National Fuel Gas
Code, intended for natural draft appliances. The GV boiler
is not natural draft, so its requirements differ.
Air openings must be sized to handle
all appliances and air movers
(exhaust fans, etc.) using the air
Louver allowance
The free area of openings means the area after reduction
for any installed louvers or grilles. Be sure to consider
this reduction when sizing the air openings.
GV with other appliances
If the GV boiler is installed in a large space (clearances per
Figure 1) providing air for a water heater or other gas
appliance, size the air openings as follows:
GV direct vent — large shared space
Provide two openings per Figure 3, based only on the size
of the other appliances and air movers. No additional air
opening area is required for the GV boiler.
GV inside air — large shared space
If the GV combustion air comes from the inside space,
size two air openings for the total of all appliances and air
movers, including the GV boiler. Use the formula from
the appropriate case in Figure 3.
Single air opening option
A single air opening within 12 inches of the ceiling may be
used where the GV boiler is installed in a large space
(clearances per Figure 1) with other appliances.
The other appliances must all be installed with at least 1
inch clearance from the sides and back, and 6 inches from
the front. The GV boiler must have minimum clearances
as shown in Figure 1.
The single air opening may be connected from outside to
the appliance space by any of the methods of Figure 3.
The free area of the opening must also be at least equal to
the combined area of all appliance vent connectors OR
sized per the following, whichever result is larger:
GV direct vent — large shared space —
single air opening
Size the single air opening for 1 square inch of free opening
for each 3,000 Btuh of all appliances other than the GV.
No additional air opening is needed for the GV.
GV inside air — large shared space —
single air opening
Size the air opening for 1 square inch of free opening for
each 3,000 Btuh of all appliances, including the GV.
GV without other appliances
If the GV boiler is installed in a space by itself, with no
other appliance or air mover using air from the space,
and with clearances around the boiler no less than those
shown in Figure 1 for large space installations:
GV direct vent — large space — alone
Air is needed only for ventilation. Size the air openings
for any of the cases of Figure 3 for a free area of at least:
1 square inch per 8,000 Btuh of GV input
for each of the two openings. (If a single opening within
12 inches of the ceiling is used, size the opening for 1
square inch of free area for each 3,000 Btuh of GV input.)
GV inside air — large space — alone
Size the air openings for any of the cases of Figure 3 for a
free area of at least:
1 square inch per 4,000 Btuh of GV input
for each of the two openings. (If a single opening within
12 inches of the ceiling is used, size the opening for 1
square inch of free area for each 3,000 Btuh of GV input.)