Page 18 6104BAFG R0
Make connections to the control’s terminals as shown
in Figures 11a and 11b. Refer to the label on the un-
derside of the control for wiring details.
Note: Motor-off delay on a 7505P will be disabled if
the safety and operating limits as shown in Figures
11a and 11b interrupt power to the control terminal
Connect thermostat leads to the TR and TW
terminals on the control or jumper the TR and
TW terminals on the control, as directed by the
appliance wiring diagram.
Thermostat anticipator Current: 0.1 amp
Thermostat voltage: 24 volts AC
Note that if the thermostat short cycles or operates
improperly, it may require an isolation relay for proper
operation. The Beckett A/C Ready Kit (part no. 51950U)
provides this function. Wiring instructions are included
with the A/C Ready Kit.
Start up burner/set combustion
Connect the wire from the R
or R terminal on the
thermostat to the TR terminal on the control.
Connect the wire from the W terminal on the
thermostat to the TW terminal on the control.
Some Thermostats Are Polar-
ity Sensitive. Reversed polarity
could cause erratic cycling of the burner control.
Open the shutoff valves in the oil supply line to the
Close air band and partially open air shutter. This
is an initial air setting for the pump bleeding pro-
cedure only. Additional adjustments must be made
with instruments.
Wire burner
Do not allow oil to spray into a hot combustion
chamber while bleeding air from the pump.
Install a gauge in the nozzle discharge port
tubing or fully open the pump bleed valve to
prevent oil spray from accumulating in the com-
bustion chamber during the air bleed procedure.
Ensure that all bubbles and froth are purged
from the oil supply system before tightening the
pump bleed valve.
Ensure that the appliance is free of oil and oil
vapor before starting or resetting the burner.
Failure to prime the pump properly could result
in unstable combustion, hot gas puff-back and
heavy smoke.
Hot Gas Puff-Back and
Heavy Smoke Hazard
Set the thermostat substantially above room tem-
Close the line voltage switch to start the burner.
If the burner does not start immediately you may
have to reset the burner primary control.
Initiate a call for heat.
After the burner starts, press and hold the reset
button for 15 seconds until the yellow light turns on.
This indicates that the button has been held long
Release the reset button. The yellow light will turn
off and the burner will start up again.
At burner start up, click the reset button while the
igniter is still on. This will transition the control to a
dedicated Pump Prime mode, during which the mo-
tor, igniter, and valve are powered for four minutes.
The yellow light will be on.
Bleed the pump until all froth and bubbles are
purged. If desired, terminate the call for heat or
hold the reset button for at least one second to exit
Pump Prime mode and return to Standby.
At the end of 4 minutes, the yellow light will turn off
and the control will automatically return to standby
If prime is not established during the four minute
pump prime mode, return to step 8 to re-enter Pump
Prime mode. Repeat steps 8 through 10 until the
pump is fully primed and the oil is free of bubbles.
Terminate the call for heat, and the control will re-
sume normal operation.
Cad Cell Resistance Indicator
During the burner Run state, click the reset button
(less than 1 second) to check the cad cell resistance
range. The yellow light will fl ash 1 to 4 times, de-
pending on the amount of light detected by the cad
cell. See chart below:
Yellow Light Flashes Flame Detection Range
1 Normal (0 - 400 ohms)
2 Normal (400 - 800 ohms)
3 Normal (800 - 1600 ohms)
4 Limited (1600 ohms - Lockout)
Resetting From Restricted or Hard Lockout
If the control continues to lockout without a satisfi ed
call for heat, or fails the motor relay check, the control
enters Hard (restricted) Lockout in order to limit accu-
mulation of unburned oil in the combustion chamber.
To reset, hold the button down for 15 seconds until
the red light turns off and the yellow light turns on.
Always verify the control functions according to all
specifi cations before leaving the installation site.
Replace the control if it does not operate as speci-
fi ed.