Assembly requires two persons. Set the treadmHUin a cleared area and remove aHpacking materiaUs, Do not
dispose of the packing materiaUs until assembUy is compUeted,
Note: The underside of the treadmill walking belt is coated with high-performance lubricant, During shipping, a
small amount of lubricant may be transferred to the top of the walking belt or the shipping carton, This is a nor-
mal condition and does not affect treadmill pedormance, if there is lubricant on top of the walking belt, simply
wipe off the lubricant with a soft cloth and a mild, non-abrasive cleaner,
Assembly requires the included allen wrenches _ and your own phillips screwdriver
wire cutters ___._4o_, and needtenose pliers
To identify small parts, use the PART IDENTIFICATION CHART attached in the center of this manual
Note: if a part is not in the parts bag, first check to see if it has been prs-assembUsd, If a part is missing,
call toll-free 1-888-899-3758.
1, Make sure that the power cord is unpJugged.
With the help of a second person, carefully raise the
Uprights (88) until the treadmill is in the position shown,
Cut the tie (not shown) off the right Upright (38),
._ 38
2, insert one of the Extension Legs (15) into the treadmill
as shown, Make sure that the Base Pad (33) is on the
indicated side, Note: it may be helpful to tip the Uprights
(38) in the direction shown by the arrow as you insert
the Extension Leg,
Attach the Extension Leg (15) with an Extension Leg
Screw (14), Make sure to push on the head of the
Extension Leg Screw while tightening it.
Attach the other Extension Leg (15) in the same way,