Instruction Leaflet
30-471 (E)
Page 7
Table 1 — Interrupting, Closing and Withstand Rating —
Robonic Type A
rms symmetrical amperes
Rating Type 600 Vac 480 Vac 120,208,240 Vac
30 to 100 amps LRO 14,000 14,000 18,000
150 to 225 amps RO 22,000 22,000 25,000
300 to 1000 amps RO 22,000 30,000 42,000
1200 to 3000 amps PRO 65,000 65,000 125,000
Since type A Robonics employ magnetic only breakers, their interrupt-
ing, closing and withstand ratings are the same value. Under fault
conditions, with it’s “normal” breaker closed, a Robonic is required to
withstand the energy let through of the normal service protective
device while the fault is being cleared. At the same time, should the
normal voltage fall below the voltage sensing relay’s selected value, -
and if the alternate source were available, the Robonic could transfer
before the normal service protective device cleared the fault.
This would require that the Robonic be capable of interrupting the
protective device’s let through current. In addition, the Robonic could
be required to close in on a fault. Thus can be seen the need for
Robonics to have, interrupting, closing and withstand ratings.
The interrupting, closing and withstand ratings shown in Table 1 are
those for standard type A Robonics. For higher values, consideration
can be given to use of Robonics built with Mark 75, Tri-Pac or SCB
Table 2 — Maximum Upstream Circuit Protective Devices for
Type A Robonics, All Classes of Loads
Robonic Maximum Upstream Maximum Upstream
Type Continuous Breaker Frame Size Class Class
Rating J or L K5 or R
LRO 30 EB, EHB, FB, HFB, FB-P 100 100
LRO 70 EB, EHB, FB, HFB, FB-P 100 100
LRO 100 FB, HFB 100 100
RO 200 DA, LBB, LB, HLB, LC, HLC, LA-P 225 225
RO 225 DA, LBB, LB, HLB, LC, HLC, LA-P 225 225
RO 300 DA, LBB, LB, HLB, LC, HLC, LA-P 400 400
RO 400 LA, HLA, LC, HLC, NB-P 400 400
RO 600 MA, HMA, MC, HMC, NB-P 600 600
RO 800 NB, HNB, NC, HMC, PB, PC, PB-P 800 ...
RO 1000 PB, PC, PB-P 1200 ...
PRO 1200 PB, PC, PB-P 1200 ...
PRO 1400 PB, PC 2000 ...
PRO 2000 PB, PC 2000 ...
¬ Fuse ratings given are as allowed by C.E.C. If other ratings are desired, refer to C.E.C.
Table 3 — Maximum Upstream Circuit Protective Devices for
Type A Robonics, 90% or Larger Motor Load
Robonic Maximum Upstream Maximum Upstream
Type Continuous Breaker Frame Size Class Class
Rating J or L K5 or R
LRO 30, 70, 100 EB, EHB, FB, HFB, FB-P 300 100
LA-P c/w 400LAP10
RO 150,200,225 CA,CAH,JA,KA,HKA,LA,HLL,LB, 400 225
HNC, LA-P, NB-P c/w 500 NAB12
RO 400 LB, HLB, LC, HLC, LA, HLA, LA-P 600 400
RO 600, 800 MA, HMA, MC, HMC, NB, MNB, NC, 1200 600
RO 1000 NB, HNB, NC, HNC, PB-P 1200 ...
PRO 1200 NB,HNB,NC,HNC,PB-P 1200 ...
PRO 1400, 2000 PB, PC, PB-P 2000 ...
¬ Fuse ratings given are as allowed by C.E.C. If other ratings are desired, refer to C.E.C.
Logic Control
Voltage Sensing Modules
1Ø Undervoltage S# 1266C79G04 Option#5C, 26B
3Ø Undervoltage S# 1266C79G03 Option#5C, 26A
These cards are normally set at 70% dropout and 90% pickup.
1Ø Overvoltage S# 1266C79G02 Option#5B, 26C
3Ø Overvoltage S#12266C79G01 Option#5B, 26C
These cards are normally set at 105% pickup and 115% dropout. All
styles are applicable to both emergency and normal source monitoring.
Frequency Sensing Modules
1Ø Underfrequency S#1275C74G04 Option#5D, 26D
1Ø Overfrequency S#1275C74G06 Option#5E, 26E