Important Notice
Before Calling a Service Technician please check carefully the operating instructions, service booklet and the warranty terms and conditions.
or to find the address of your nearest
state service centre in Australia
PlEaSE Call 13 13 49
For the cost of a local call (Australia only)
or to find the address of your nearest
state spare parts centre in Australia
PlEaSE Call 13 13 50
For the cost of a local call (Australia only)
or to find the address of your nearest
authorised service centre in New Zealand
FREE Call 0800 10 66 10
(New Zealand only)
or to find the address of your nearest
state spare parts centre in New Zealand
FREE Call 0800 10 66 20
(New Zealand only)
This document sets out the terms and conditions of product warranties for Electrolux
branded appliances. It is an important document. Please keep it with your proof of
purchase documents in a safe place for future reference should you require service
for your Electrolux appliance.
General Terms and Conditions
1. In this warranty
(a) ‘Electrolux’ means Electrolux Home Products Pty Ltd ABN 51 004 762
341 in respect of Appliances purchased in Australia and Electrolux (NZ)
Limited in respect of Appliances purchased in New Zealand;
(b) ‘Appliance’ means any Electrolux product purchased by you
accompanied by this document;
(c) ‘Warranty Period’ means
(i) where you use the Appliance for personal, domestic or household
purposes in Australia the period of ‘24’ months and in New Zealand
the period of ‘24’ months;
(ii) where you use the Appliance for commercial purposes, in Australia the
period of ‘3’ months and in New Zealand the period of ‘3’ months,
(if the period stated is 0 months you are not covered by this product
warranty) following the date of original purchase of the Appliance;
(d) ‘you’ means the purchaser of the Appliance not having purchased the
appliance for re-sale, and ‘your’ has a corresponding meaning.
2. This warranty only applies to Appliances purchased and used in Australia
or New Zealand and is in addition to (and does not exclude, restrict,
or modify in any way) any non-excludable statutory warranties in Australia
or New Zealand.
3. Electrolux warrants that, when dispatched from an Electrolux warehouse,
the Appliance is free from defects in materials and workmanship for the
Warranty Period.
4. During the Warranty Period Electrolux or its Authorised Service Centre will,
at no extra charge if your appliance is readily accessible without special
equipment, and subject to these terms and conditions, repair or replace
any parts which it considers to be defective. Electrolux or its ASC may use
reconditioned parts to repair your appliance. You agree that any replaced
Appliances or parts become the property of Electrolux. This warranty does
not apply to light globes, batteries, filters or similar perishable parts.
5. Parts and Appliances not supplied by Electrolux are not covered by
this warranty.
6. Where you are within an Electrolux service area, this warranty covers the
cost of transport of the Appliance to and from Authorised Service Centres
of Electrolux and travelling costs for representatives of the Authorised Service
Centre to and from your home or business. If you are outside an Electrolux
service area, you will bear these costs. For information about whether you
are within an Electrolux service area, please phone 13 13 49 in Australia,
or 0800 10 66 10 in New Zealand.
7. Proof of purchase is required before you can make a claim under this
8. You may not make a claim under this warranty unless the defect claimed is
due to faulty or defective parts or workmanship. Electrolux is not liable in
the following situations (which are not exhaustive):
(a) The Appliance is damaged by:
(i) accident
(ii) misuse or abuse, including failure to properly maintain or service
(iii) normal wear and tear
(iv) power surges, electrical storm damage or incorrect power supply
(v) incomplete or improper installation
(vi) incorrect, improper or inappropriate operation
(vii) insect or vermin infestation.
(b) The Appliance is modied without authority from Electrolux in writing.
(c) The Appliance’s serial number or warranty seal has been removed
or defaced.
(d) The Appliance was serviced or repaired by anyone other than Electrolux
or its Authorised Service Centres.
9. This warranty, the contract to which it relates and the relationship between
you and Electrolux are governed by the law applicable in the Australian State
where the Appliance was purchased or the law applicable in New Zealand
if the Appliance was purchased in New Zealand. Where the Appliance was
purchased in New Zealand for business purposes the Consumer Guarantee Act
does not apply.
Limitation of Liability
10. To the extent permitted by law:
(a) Electrolux excludes all warranties other than as contained in this
(b) Electrolux shall not be liable for any loss or damage whether direct or
indirect or consequential arising from your purchase, use or non-use of
the Appliance.
11. Provisions of the Trade Practices Act and State consumer legislation in
Australia, and the Consumer Guarantees Act, the Sale of Goods Act and
the Fair Trading Act in New Zealand, imply warranties or conditions, or
impose obligations, upon Electrolux which cannot be excluded, restricted
or modified. To the extent permitted by law, the liability of Electrolux (if
any) arising out of or in relation to the Appliance or any services supplied
by Electrolux shall be limited (where it is fair and reasonable to do so),:
(a) in the case of Appliances, at its option, to the replacement or repair of
the Appliances or the supply of equivalent products or the payment of
the cost of replacing the Appliances or having the Appliances repaired
or of acquiring equivalent Appliances. Upon being replaced, parts and
Appliances become the property of Electrolux; or
(b) in the case of services, at its option, to the supply of the services again
or the payment of the cost of having the services re-supplied;
and in the case of Appliances or services supplied in New Zealand,
loss or damage whether direct or indirect or consequential that is
reasonably foreseeable.
You acknowledge that in the event that you make a warranty claim it will
be necessary for Electrolux and its Authorised Service Centres to exchange
information in relation to you to enable Electrolux to meet its obligations
under this warranty.