- 10 -
Once the gas has ignited, the “flame safety
circuit” will monitor the flame at the burner to
make sure it is present. If a flame is not present
at the burner:
a)The control will allow the ignitor to spark
for 4 seconds.
b)A 40 second delay to dissipate any un-
used gas inside the oven will occur.
The ignition attempt will occur three times. If
the burner does not ignite after the three at-
tempts, the system will “lockout” (see the Tim-
ing Chart below).
The control will perform an oven system lock-
out if:
a)Any of the self-test checks fail.
b)The oven fails to ignite after three igni-
tion attempts.
c) A flame is present within the oven for
more than 10 seconds after the gas
valve is off.
d)The flame is unexpectedly lost for any
reason after being established. NOTE:
If this occurs, a lockout condition will oc-
cur after 30 seconds with no attempt to
During the lockout, the gas distribution valve
and ignition are turned off. All lockouts can be
reset by pressing the OFF/Cancel keypad on
the Electronic Oven Control. NOTE: There will
be no indication on the electronic oven control
display showing a lockout condition.
Note To Technician: The cooktop spark op-
erates normally even when the oven is in the
“lockout” mode. If the oven does not appear to
work at all, verify the operation of the cooktop
spark. If the cooktop spark is working correctly,
the DSI control is most likely okay, and the
problem is somewhere else in the range.
Timing Chart (Cooktop Burners)
Timing Chart (Oven Burners)
Timing Sequence = 4 Seconds
3 Attempts Before Lockout
Time (sec)
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
Valve open
Charge Cap
Flame Sense
Time (sec)
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
Top Spark
Valve Open