• When installing the new evaporator, use a
generous amount of thermal heat trap paste
between the hot gas valve, and the evapora-
tor tubing joint to protect the hot gas valve
when brazing.
• Be sure to reinstall the Permagum in the
liner channel of the cabinet around the wire
sheath and tubing, so that there are no air
leaks after the cabinet top is installed (see
the photo in step 19 on page 4-14).
22. Access the sealed system and discharge
the refrigerant into an approved recovery
IMPORTANT: Refrigerant lines must be
connected by a licensed, EPA certifi ed
refrigerant technician in accordance with
established procedures.
23. Unbraze (and cut) the evaporator from the
tubing at the following locations:
• Suction line at the compressor.
• Hot gas line at the hot gas valve.
• Cut capillary tube at the drier fi lter.
Suction Line
Hot Gas
Valve Joint
Drier Filter Capillary Tube
20. Lift the cabinet top off the unit and stand
it on the fl oor near the rear of the unit.
21. Lift the evaporator and its connecting tub-
ing high enough from the unit to access
the tubing underneath.