If you need service or assistance,
we suggest you follow these steps:
Before calling for
Performance problems often result
from little things you can find and fix
without tools of any kind.
If nothing operates:
l Is the power supply cord plugged
live circuit with the proper volt-
age? (See Installation Instructions.)
. Have you checked your home’s
main fuses or circuit breaker box?
If the oven will not operate:
l Is the Oven Selector turned to a set-
ting (BAKE or BROIL, but not TIMED
l Is the Oven Temperature Control
turned to a temperature setting?
If surface units will not operate:
l Have you checked your home’s
main fuses or circuit breaker box?
l Are surface units plugged in all the
l Do the control knobs turn?
If surtace unit control knob(s) will
not turn:
l Did you push in before trying to turn?
If the Self-Cleaning cycle will not
l Are the Oven Selector and Oven
Temperature Control set on CLEAN?
l Is the Lock Lever all the way to the
l Did you push the Self-Clean Button?
If cooking results aren’t what you
l Is the range level?
. Does the oven temperature seem
too low or too high? See page 12.
l If needed, have you preheated the
oven as the recipe calls for?
9 Are you following a tested recipe
from a reliable source?
l Are you using pans recommended
in the Cooking Guide?
l If baking, have you allowed 1% to 2
inches (4-5 cm] on all sides of the
pans for air circulation?
l Are the pans the size called for in the
l Do the cooking utensils have
smooth, flat bottoms and fit the sur-
face unit being used?
See the Cooking Guide for more infor-
mation on cooking problems and
how to solve them.
If you need
Call Whirlpool COOL-LINEa serv-
ice assistance telephone number.
Dial free from anywhere in the U.S.:
and talk with one of our trained con-
sultants. The consultant can instruct
you in how to obtain satisfactory oper-
ation from your appliance or, if
service is necessary, recommend
a qualified service company in
your area.
If you prefer, write to:
Mr. Donald Skinner
Director of Consumer Relations
Whirlpool Corporation
2000 M-63
Benton Harbor, Ml 49022
Please include a daytime phone
number in your correspondence.