CAUTI.ON: Reflector bowls reflect heat back to the utensils on the
surfaoe units. They also help catch spills. When they are kept clean,
they reflect heat better and look new longer.
If a reflector bowl gets dlscolored, some of the utensils may not be
flat enough, or some may be too large for the surface unit. In either
Case, some of the heat that’s meant to go Into or around a utensil
goes down and heats the reflector bowl. Thls extra heat can discolor
tt. See Cooklng Gulde for further Informatlon.
The Oven Door
the oven door will
help make it easier to clean the oven.
Open the door to the first stop
2. Hold the door at both sides and lift
it at the same angle it is in.
3. To
fit the bottom corners
of the door over the ends of the
Push the door down evenly. The
door will close only when it is on
hinges correctly.