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Flash Error/Condition Comments/Troubleshooting
1 External lockout
(exceeded retries)
Failure to sense flame is often caused by carbon deposits on the flame
sensor, a disconnected or shorted flame sensor lead or a poorly grounded
furnace. Carbon deposits can be cleaned with emery cloth. Verify sensor is
not contacting the burner and is located in a good position to sense flame.
Ignitor must be positioned to light the gas immediately when the valve
opens. If the ignitor has been replaced, verify hot spot position has not
Check sensor lead for shorting and verify furnace is grounded properly.
Verify gas supply to valve, gas valve in "On" position and appliance
lighting properly. Verify flame reaches flame sensor during ignition
attempts and gas pressures are correct.
2 Pressure switch stuck
Pressure switch stuck closed. Check switch function, verify inducer is
turning off. Refer to wiring diagram, terminals PSI / PSO.
3 Pressure switch stuck
Check pressure switch function and tubing. Verify inducer is turning on
and pulling sufficient vacuum to engage switch. Refer to wiring diagram,
terminals PSI / PSO.
4 Open high temperature
limit switch
Verify continuity through limit switch circuit. Refer to wiring diagram
terminals, HLI / HLO.
5 Flame sensed with gas
Verify the gas valve is operating and shutting down properly. Flame in
burner assembly should extinguish promptly at the end of the cycle. Check
orifices and gas pressure.
6 Open rollout switch Verify continuity through rollout switch circuit. Refer to wiring diagram
terminals, RO IN / RO OUT.
7 Low flame sense current Low flame sense current is often caused by carbon deposits on the flame
sensor, a poorly grounded furnace or a mis-aligned flame sense probe.
Carbon deposits can be cleaned with emery cloth.
Check or improve furnace and module ground. Verify sensor is located in
or very near flame as specified by the appliance manufacturer. Refer to
wiring diagram FS terminal and GND.
8 Ignitor relay fault This flash code does not indicate a broken, disconnected or shorted
ignitor. It indicates the ignitor relay contacts on the ignition module are not
functioning properly. Replace the ignition module.
Rapid Flash Reversed polarity Verify the control and furnace are properly grounded. Check and reverse
polarity (primary or secondary) if incorrect.
Continuous On Normal operation No fault
Off Control failure Verify power to the control, replace control if power is at the control and no
lit Red LED