English 3
Only trained and authorized persons shall
be permitted to operate a powered unit.
Operators of powered units shall be quali-
fied as to visual, auditory, physical, and
mental ability to operate the equipment
safely according to the following points.
– Personnel who have not been trained to
operate powered units may operate a
unit for the purposes of training only,
and only under the direct supervision of
the trainer. This training should be con-
ducted in an area away from other
units, obstacles, and pedestrians.
– The operator training program should
include the user’s policies for the site
where the trainee will operate the unit,
the operating conditions for that loca-
tion, and the specific unit the trainee will
operate. The training program shall be
presented to all new operators regard-
less of previous experience.
The training program shall inform the train-
ee that:
A The primary responsibility of the opera-
tor is to use the unit safely following the
instructions given in the training pro-
B Unsafe or improper operation of a pow-
ered unit can result in: death or serious
injury to the operator or others; damage
to the powered unit or other property.
The training program shall emphasize safe
and proper operation to avoid injury to the
operator and others and prevent property
damage, and shall cover the following ar-
A Fundamentals of the powered unit(s)
the trainee will operate, including:
(1) characteristics of the powered
unit(s), including varations between the
units in the workplace;
(2) similarities and differences from au-
(3) significance of nameplate data,
warnings, and instructions affixed to the
(4) operating instructions and warnings
in the operating manual for the unit, and
instructions for inspection and mainte-
nance to be performed by the operator;
(5) type of motive power and its charac-
(6) method of steering;
(7) braking method and characteristics;
(8) visibility, forward and reverse;
(9) stability characteristics with and
without load, with and without attach-
(10) controls-location, function, method
of operation, identification of symbols;
(11) battery charging;
(12) guards and protective devices for
the specific type of unit;
(13) other characteristics of the specific
B Operating environment and its effect on
unit operation, including:
(1) floor or ground conditions including
temporary conditions;
(2) ramps and inclines;
(3) battery charging facilities;
(4) narrow aisles, doorways, overhead
wires and piping, and other areas of lim-
ited clearance;
(5) areas where the unit may be operat-
ed near other powered units, other ve-
hicles, or pedestrians;
(6) operation near edge of dock or edge
of improved surface;
(7) other special operating conditions
and hazards which may be encoun-
C Operation of the powered unit, includ-
(1) proper preshift inspection and ap-
proved method for removing from ser-
vice a unit which is in need repair;
(2) parking and shutdown procedures;
(3) other special operating conditions
for the specific application.
D Operating safety rules and practices,
(1) provisions of the section „OPERAT-
ES“ in this document.
(2) other rules, regulations, or practices
specified by the employer at the loca-
tion where the unit will be used.
E Operational training practice, including:
(1) if feasible, practice in the operation
of a powered unit shall be conducted in
an area separate from other workplace
activities and personnel:
(2) training practice shall be conducted
under the supervision of the trainer;
(3) training practice shall include the ac-
tual operation or simulated perfor-
mance of all operating tasks such as
maneuvering, traveling, stopping, start-
ing, and other activities under the con-
ditions which will be encountered in the
use of the unit.
A During training, performance and oral
and/or written tests shall be given by
the employer to measure the skill and
knowledge of the operator in meeting
the requirements of the Standard. Em-
ployers may delegate such testing to
others but shall remain responsible for
the testing. Appropriate records shall
be kept.
B Operators shall be retrained when new
equipment is introduced, existing
equipment is modified, operating condi-
tions change, or an operator’s perfor-
mance ins unstatisfactory.
C The user shall be responsible for en-
forcing the safe use of the powered unit
according to the provisons of this man-
NOTE: Information on operator training is
available from such sources as powered
unit manufacturers, government agencies
dealing with employee safety, trade or-
gaizations of users of powered units, public
and private organizations, and safety con-
– Safe operation is in the responsibility of
the operator.
– The operator shall develop safe work-
ing habits and also be aware of hazard-
ous conditions in order to protect
himself, other personnel, the unit, and
other material.
– The operator shall be familiar with the
operation and function of all controls
and instruments before undertaking to
operate the unit.
– Before operating the unit, operators
shall have read and be familiar with the
operator’s manual for the particular unit
being operated and they shall also
abide by the safety rules and practices
in the following paragraphs.
– Before operating any unit, the operator
shall be familiar with unusual operating
conditions which may require additional
safety precautions or special operating
Before starting to operate the unit:
A be in operating position;
B place directional controls in neutral;
C turn switch to ON position.
– Do not start or operate the unit, any of
its functions or attachments, from any
place other than from the designated
operator’s position.
– Keep hands and feet inside the opera-
tor’s designated area.
Understand unit limitations and operate the
unit in a safe manner so as not to cause in-
jury to personnel. Safeguard pedestrians at
all times.
A Do not drive a unit up to anyone stand-
ing in front of an object.
B Ensure that personnel stand clear of
rear swing area before conducting turns
and maneuvers.
C Exercise particular care at cross aisles,
doorways, and other locations where
pedestrians may step into the path of
travel of the unit.
– Do not permit passengers to ride on
powered units unless a safe place to
ride has been provided by the manufac-
– A powered unit is attended when the
operator is less than 25 ft (7.6 m) from
the unit, which remains in his view.
Operator Qualifications
Operator Training
Testing, Retraining, and Enforce-
Operator Responsibility