Ver. 1.5
4/21/2009 - 3 -
19. Click on the Status-Wireless button, and verify that there is a Current IP address.
This may take several minutes depending on the carrier network.
Figure 5
20. Click on the Home button.
21. Click on the Restart button and confirm by clicking the Restart button again, and
wait 30 seconds.
22. Do a restart of all network devices in order, first the TravelNet Router, 2
Edimax Router, and finally laptop.
Sprint TN-2033 Activation:
1. Connect an Ethernet Cable directly to the TravelNet Cellular Router and the
2. Enable the Local Area Network, when connected, go to the next step.
3. Open a web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Mozilla)
4. Enter the IP address:
Figure 6