
Recipe NotesArtichoke Mousse
Serves 4
4 or 5 very large artichokes
2 lemons, halved
4 tablespoons (2 ounces) unsalted butter, at room temperature
about 2 tablespoons heavy cream
freshly ground pepper
1 Trim away the leaves from the artichokes to expose the bottoms.
Rub the cut surfaces with lemon to prevent oxidation.
2 Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Add the juice of half a lemon and
the artichoke bottoms, cover with a linen towel or several sheets of paper
towels and cook until the artichokes are tender, 40 to 50 minutes.
3 Remove the artichokes and drain. Remove and discard the fiber from the
center of the chokes.
4 Use hand blender to purée the artichoke bottoms with the butter. Pass the
purée through a tamis or fine strainer into a heavy saucepan and heat
through. Stir in the cream and correct the seasonings with salt, pepper and
lemon juice.
Serve as a side dish to accompany lamb or chicken or use as a bed for sliced
meats and poultry.
To reheat, place the mousse in a heavy saucepan, add 1
tablespoon each of unsalted butter and heavy cream. Heat slowly, stirring
Recipe courtesy Wolfgang Puck, Recipes from Spago, Chinois, and Points East
and West (Random House, 1986)