
For the Model 9235LE, the Start menu ShutDown listing is replaced with
listings for logging off, restarting, and shutting down the Thin Client.
Client Information Dialog Box
Click About on the Start menu to open the Client Information dialog box (see Figure 10).
The General tab of the dialog box displays general information about the Thin Client such
as the Website, Product Name, Product ID, Version, Windows XPE Version, MAC
Address, Serial Number, Terminal H/W Rev, Flash Configuration, RAM Configuration,
System Partition, and Wyse Copyrights.
Figure 10 Client Information dialog box
The information in the Client Information dialog box will vary for different Thin
Clients and software releases.
In the Client Information dialog box, you can click the:
Installed Modules tab to show the list of applications that are installed on the Thin
Rapport Packages tab to show the list of Rapport Packages that have been applied to
the Thin Client.
QFEs tab to show the list of Microsoft QFEs applied to the Thin Client.