Installing or Upgrading WDM Enterprise Edition 21
Figure 8 SQL Server Properties
• If you have already installed the WDM Database on a separate server and you are
currently installing other WDM components on a server - the InstallShield Wizard
will prompt you for a WDM Database confirmation. Be sure to select the correct server
name, enter the correct TCP/IP Port, and enter the correct database password (for the
default user named rapport). These are the fields you entered during your WDM
Database installation. If you do not specify the TCP/IP Port for the WDM Database, the
default 1433 is used (this is the port the database server uses for communication with
WDM components).
Figure 9 Database confirmation
• If you have an existing SQL Server that was installed using Windows
Authentication mode only - WDM utilizes mixed mode authentication. Be aware that
if you are using an existing SQL Server that was installed using Windows
Authentication mode only, the WDM Database user will be unable to log in to the SQL
database, and the WDM Database installation will fail. Therefore, you must open your
SQL Server Configuration Manager and enable TCP/IP connections (see the Microsoft
documentation for your SQL Server).