ZONE AUDIO ADJUSTMENTS (MRC88 Keypad – User Settings)
To adjust Treble, Bass and Balance from a MRC88 Keypad:
1. Simultaneously press the Status and VOL+ Buttons. The ‘Audio Setup
Mode’ will appear on the keypad LCD.
2. To adjust Balance, press the button under ‘BAL’. The ‘<’ REW Button will
shift audio to the left speaker. The ‘>’ FF Button will shift audio to the right
speaker. The Select/Play Button will restore center balance. Display will
return to normal after 10 seconds of no activity.
3. To adjust Treble or Bass, press the appropriate button in the LCD Display.
The ‘<’ Button will decrease the amount of treble or bass. The ‘>’ Button will
increase the treble or bass. The Select/Play Button will restore the audio to
the ‘flat’ setting. Display will return to normal after 10 seconds of no activity.
NOTE: These adjustments do not affect Z-ADJUST default settings.
AUDIO ADJUSTMENTS (Z-Adjust – Installer Settings)
These settings are ‘permanent’ settings that will affect system or zone
performance whenever the system is turned on, (even after a power outage) until
the settings are changed using the following procedure:
This procedure adjusts the MRC88 Source Input levels to compensate for the
different output levels of the common sources. When this procedure has been
properly executed, the audio level of the common sources should be the same
when switching from one source to another.
With all sources ON and playing relatively similar program material:
1. Cycle through the inputs to get a reference to the relative audio levels of the
different sources.
2. Using an RC68X with overlay “A”, select the input that has the lowest
apparent volume level (from any zone).
3. Point the RC68X at the IR sensor on the MRC88 Keypad
(IR sensor
enabled) and press the Trim Button (button F8). This activates the Trim
NOTE: Trim mode allows 10 seconds after each button press for the next
command to be executed. If 10 seconds is exceeded, simply press Trim
again. To confirm Trim mode, press the Mute ON Button. If the sound
mutes, the MRC88 Controller is NOT in the Trim mode.
4. Select any other input that sounds louder.