• 12-11-10-9-8-7-6 Output Flexibility. Each of the 12 amplifiers can be driven singly or bridged to allow
several channel and power output capabilities. It can be configured into seven power packages as
- Twelve 35-watt amplifiers - 12 total.
- One 150 and ten 35-watt amplifiers - 11 total.
- Two 150 and eight 35-watt amplifiers - 10 total.
- Three 150 and six 35-watt amplifiers - 9 total.
- Four 150 and four 35-watt amplifiers - 8 total.
- Five 150 and two 35-watt amplifiers - 7 total.
- Six 150-Watt amplifiers - 6 total.
This gives the PA1235 great flexibility for use in many applications, such as driving surround sound
speaker systems, in addition to multi-room.
• Individual ON/OFF of Amp Pairs. Permits Standby ON/OFF control of individual channel pairs.
Specifically, it permits the STATUS outputs (12 Volts On/Off) of Xantech ZPR68 zones to switch the
Standby of the PA1235 channel pairs (CI) On and Off with zone ON and OFF commands.
• Remote Master ON/OFF. Allows the entire PA1235 to be powered ON and OFF by a positive DC
voltage ranging between 5 and 30 volts (16mA @ 12V). Specifically, it permits the 12 Volt common CO
(Control Output) on the Xantech ZPR68 to power one or more PA1235's ON and OFF automatically with
first zone ON and last zone OFF commands.
• Default settings. As received from the factory, Volume level is set to 1 Volt for 35 Watts output, Balance
is centered and Mute is OFF, for all channels. Also, pressing the LEVEL (System) RESET switch 2 times
within 1 second, restores all factory defaults. The PA1235 will always return to last set values (volume,
etc.) after main power shut down or after any power interruptions.
• Low Impedance Capability. Each amplifier is 4-Ohm safe under music conditions in stereo mode and
8-Ohm safe when bridged. This means, for instance, that you can drive two pairs of 8-Ohm speakers
in stereo mode in each zone.
1. Front Panel. 19" x 5-1/4" panel designed for mounting into a standard 19" Rack Panel.
2. Rack Panel Handles.
3. POWER Switch. When pressed to the IN position, power is applied to the PA1235 [provided the rear
panel master AC LINE ON/OFF Switch, item 17, is placed in the ON (I) position]. This is the MANUAL
ON position. When pressed again, it releases to the OUT position (MANUAL OFF), turning the unit
Fig. 2 PA1235 Front Panel – Features and Functions
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