Amplifiers & Preamplifiers
Aluminum mounting
panel (preferred)
Fig. 5 Vertical mounting (preferred)
Shelf, wall, etc.
3-inch spacing
Aluminum mounting
panel (preferred)
Heat Dissipation
Fig. 4 Horizontal Mounting
When you mount the PA640, you need to plan its location carefully. Pay close attention to each of the
following factors:
1. The amplifier is convection cooled. That is, it depends on the natural free flow of air over the heat
dissipating fins for ad-
equate cooling.
2. If mounted in an equip-
ment cabinet or other con-
fining location, allow at
least 3 inches of space
above the heat sink fins
(see Fig. 4). Be sure there
are large openings to al-
low the entry of cool air
and the escape of warm
3. If the cabinet contains
other heat generating
components, or you are
using several PA640's in
a large multi-zone system,
you will have to pay even closer attention to adequate ventilation.
4. Do not hesitate to use fans, if necessary, to ensure a constant flow
of air over the PA640's and the other heat generating compo-
5. The PA640 will operate when mounted either horizontally or
vertically. The vertical placement is preferred, however, since it
will run approximately 5% to 10% cooler when so oriented. See
Fig. 5.
6. In multi-zone installations, you will have large bundles of leads to
accommodate audio, video and speaker connections. Be sure to
allow enough room for the leads and dress them so that they do
not block airflow.
7. Mounting the PA640 onto an aluminium panel (rather than on
wood or other non-heat conducting material) will add additional
heat dissipation capability. See Fig. 4 & 5.
8. Use the 4 holes on the chassis skirts and the screws provided to
mount the PA640.