Basic Installation Procedures
975-0395-01-01 1–9
This guide for use by qualified installers only
AC breakers and fuses must be sized to adequately protect the wiring that
is installed on the input and output AC circuits of the Freedom HF. All
breakers and wiring must be sized and connected in accordance with the
electrical codes or regulations applicable to your installation. Table 1-1
gives some examples of wiring sizes based on the U.S. National Electrical
Code and the Canadian Electrical Code. These examples are based on
using a 2-conductor-plus-ground cable rated at 75 °C, and assuming an
ambient temperature of up to 30 °C. Ensure that your breakers, and fuses
have suitable temperature ratings for your wiring. Other codes and
regulations may also be applicable to your installation.
AC Output
The neutral conductor of the Freedom HF’s AC output circuit (i.e., AC
Output Neutral) is automatically connected to the safety ground during
inverter operation. When AC utility power is present and the Freedom HF
is charging, this connection is not present, so that the utility neutral (i.e.,
AC Input Neutral) is only connected to utility ground at your source. This
conforms to National Electrical Code, which requires that separately
derived AC sources (such as inverters and generators) to have their
neutral conductors tied to ground in the same way that the neutral
conductor from the utility is tied to ground in only one place. Check the
regulations for your specific application to ensure that the installation will
comply with the necessary requirements. In other words, the AC Input
Neutral and Output Neutral must be isolated from each other.
DC Cabling This includes all the cables and connectors between the batteries, the DC
disconnect and over-current protection device, and the Freedom HF. Most
mobile installations require multi-strand insulated cables for flexibility
and durability in high vibration environments and require disconnects and
over-current devices. Electrical wiring sizes are indicated by AWG
notation. Under the AWG standard, a larger gauge number indicates a
smaller wire diameter. Wire size is usually marked on the larger sized
cables. Table 1-2 specifies the minimum recommended DC cable size and
maximum fuse size for the Freedom HF. The DC cables must be copper
and must be rated 75 °C minimum. The cables should be terminated
with lugs that fit the DC stud terminals snugly (8 mm or 5/16 in. hole
Table 1-1
Required AC Wire Size vs Breaker Rating
Breaker Size
10A 15A 20A 30A
Minimum Wire Size
FreedomHF_IC_01-Installation.fm Page 9 Monday, December 24, 2007 9:47 AM