975-0200-01-01 C-7
Common Specifications for All Models
Common Specifications for All Models
Output Voltage and Current Monitor 0–100%, 2~ up to 10 V, programmable
On/Off Control TTL level
AUX On/Off Control TTL level or dry contact
Power Supply Status Signal TTL high: OK
TTL low: fail
Interlock Enable/Disable Dry contact. Open/Short: On or Off,
Output Performance Specifications
Temperature Coefficient 100 PPM/° C from rated output voltage, after a 30-minute warm-up
Drift (8 hours) 0.05% of rated output (over an 8 hour interval with constant line, load and temperature, after a 30-minute warm-up)
Hold-up Time Typical 20 ms at any rated input line.
Transient Response Time
1.Time for the output voltage to recover within 0.5% at its rated output for a load change 10–90% of rated output current. Output set point
Less than 1 ms for 6 V to 60 V models. Less than 2 ms for 80 V to 600 V models
Meter Accuracy 0.5% ± 1 count
AC Input to Output
AC Input to Chassis
Output to Chassis
1350 Vac
1350 Vac
500 Vac
Table C-3
Remote Operation
Programming Mode APG ISOL Digital