
Connecting the XPower 175 Plus and XPower 400
Plus for Loads Under 150 Watts
Follow these steps to connect the XPower 175 Plus or XPower
400 Plus inverter:
1. Place the inverter on a flat surface like the floor of your
2. Make sure the On/Off switch on the front panel is off.
3. The XPower 175 Plus has a power cord with lighter plug
hard-wired into it, so you do not need to complete this step.
If you have a XPower 400 Plus, take the power cord
equipped with the lighter plug (Figure 5) and place the ring
terminals over the two cabling terminals on the back of the
inverter. (The cabling terminals are shown in Figure 4.))
Make sure you connect red to red and black to black,
and make sure you screw the nuts on tightly.