Status Registers
74 Operating Manual for Multichannel Functionality (GPIB-M)
Table 4.5 Remote CONtrol Sub-Register
This register shows the state of the current share configuration, which can be set
through the SCPI command SOURce:COMBine:CSHare:MODE.
Table 4.6 Current SHare Sub-Register
The Questionable Status Register is a 16-bit register that stores information about
questionable events or status during power supply operation. That is, bits in these
registers may indicate that the output of the supply is of undesirable or questionable
The Questionable Status data structure consists of a questionable status register and
sub-registers representing the status of the voltage and current, power and
Figure 4.2 gives an overview of the Questionable Status data structure. The “+”
represents the logical summation of bits in a register. Table 4.7, Table 4.8, and Table
4.9 describe the meanings of each bit as well as the bit number and bit weight.
Bit Bit Weight Bit Name Description
1 2 Reserved
2 4 GPIB
The power supply is under Remote CONtrol via
the GPIB interface.
3 8 GPIB
with LLO
The power supply is under Remote Control via
the GPIB interface, with local controls locked out.
4 16 Reserved Reserved
5 32 Reserved Reserved
6 64 Multi-chann
el CONtrol
The power supply is under Remote CONtrol via
the Multi-channel Programming interface.
7 128 Multi-chann
el Control
with LLO
The power supply is under Remote CONtrol via
the Multi-channel Programming interface, with
local controls locked out.
Bit Bit Weight Bit Name Description
0 1 MASTer The power supply is configured to be a Current
Share Master.
1 2 SLAVe The power supply is configured to be a Current
Share Slave.