
Auto Sequencing
Release 2.1 61
Editing the Sequence
To edit an existing step or to program new steps, use the following commands:
PROG:STEP<step_number>[:EDIT] [[[[<voltage>]
Any of the step parameters may be omitted, in which case the default parameters will
be used. The default values for a step are 0 V, 0 A, 0 V, 10 ms.
PROG:STEP1 10,10
PROG:STEP2 20,20,,20
will program step 1 to be 10V, 10A, OVP disabled (0V) and 10ms in duration and
step 2 to be 20V, 20A, OVP disabled and 20 seconds in duration.
To insert a step between commands in an existing program, use this command:
PROG:STEP<step_number>:INS [[[[<voltage>]
The step number is where the inserted step is to be located. The existing step and all
following steps at that location are moved down.
In both the edit and insert commands:
<step_number> ranges from 1 to 99.
<time> defines the duration of the step and may be given in the following
hh:mm:ss.s hours/minutes/seconds
mm:ss.s minutes/seconds
<floating point number>H hours
<floating point number>M minutes
<floating point number>S seconds
<floating point number> seconds
Ranges from 10ms to 99 hours.
TRIG may be entered instead of a step duration. In this case, the unit will hold
the output levels at that step until a trigger signal is supplied.