
Error Codes
Release 3.1 53
Error Codes
If the ERR flag in the accumulated status or fault registers has been activated, an
ERR? query will return an error number which corresponds to an event described
in the following table. The ERR? query will also clear the ERR bit in the register.
Table 3.9 Error Codes
0No Errors
4 Unrecognized Character Received a character such as @,*,$.
Improper Number Received a numeric character but the
characters were not a proper number.
Example: VSET,±10.3
Unrecognized String Received an invalid command.
Syntax Error Received an incorrectly placed word,
number, separator, or terminator.
Example: OFF SRQ, VOUT 6, MASK,
5 Number Out of Range Specified a value for the command
which was outside of the allowed range.
6 Attempt to Exceed Soft Limits Attempted to program a voltage or
current greater than the soft limit.
Example: VMAX 500; VSET 550 LF
7 Improper Soft Limit Attempted to program a soft limit less
than the output value.
8 Data Requested without a
Query Being Sent
The controller requested data from the
power supply without first sending a
query command.
9 OVP Set Below Output Sent an OVSET command with a trip
value lower than the output voltage.
10 Slave Processor Not
The interface PCB slave processor did
not respond.
12 Illegal Calibration Attempted calibration when the supply
was not in calibration mode. See
CMODE command.