Basic Setup Programming
6–24 976-0043-01-02
12G EQ VDC Done Timer
This is the maximum time the batteries will be allowed to charge at the
equalize voltage level set in 12D Equalize Volts DC. This setting is
limited by 12H Max Bulk/EQ Timer h:m, which sets the maximum
period for the EQ charge stage. This is a safety feature that ensures that
abnormal conditions will not cause the charger to hold the batteries at
high voltages for prolonged periods of time. This timer starts when the
EQ voltage is reached as set in menu item 12D Equalize Volts DC.
Table 6-8
Calculating the Bulk Done Amps for a 24-volt,
700 amp-hour Battery
Step Instruction Equation
1 Multiply the total battery amp
hours by 2% (3%, 4%)
700 x 2% (3%, 4%) = 14 (21, 28)
AC Bulk Done Charge Rate)
2 Divide the AC Bulk Done Charge
Rate by 4
14 ÷ 4 = 3.5 (for 2%)
21 ÷ 4 = 4 (for 3%)
28 ÷ 4 = 7 (for 4%)
3Set the 12F Bulk Done Amps
AC parameter.
3 to 7 amps AC
Table 6-9
Calculating the Bulk Done Amps for a 48-volt,
350 amp-hour Battery
Step Instruction Equation
1 Multiply the total battery amp
hours by 2% (3%, 4%)
350 x 2% (3%, 4%) = 7 (10.5, 14)
(AC Bulk Done Charge Rate)
2 Divide the AC Bulk Done Charge
Rate by 2
7 ÷ 2 = 3.5 (for 2%)
10.5 ÷ 2 = 5.25 (for 3%)
14 ÷ 2 = 7 (for 4%)
3Set the 12F Bulk Done Amps
AC parameter.
3 to 7 amps AC