This power supply can be programmed from a remote terminal using a General
Purpose Interface Bus (GPIB) interface. Communications over the GPIB interface
meet IEEE 488.2 standards and are SCPI compliant.
Codes and Standards
The GPIB interface of the this Programmable DC Power Supply has been
implemented according to IEEE standard 488.1-1987, “IEEE Standard Digital
Interface for Programmable Instrumentation.”
The communications protocol complies with IEEE 488.2-1992.
Message Terminators
The GPIB End of message (EOM) terminators can be the END message (EOI),
the ASCII code for line feed (LF) or both.
The power supply terminates responses with line feed (LF).
Address Range
Primary Address
The power supply will respond to any GPIB address in the range 1 to 30.
Secondary Address
The power supply does not support secondary addressing.
Service Request and Polling
The power supply's serial poll responses and SRQ generation use an IEEE 488.2
reporting structure. See“Status Registers” on page 4–43.
The Request Service bit (bit 6) in the Status Byte will generate a service request
(SRQ) on the GPIB.
The power supply can be set up to generate a service request (SRQ) at power-on.
Use the command:
SYSTem:COMMunicate:GPIB:PONSrq [ON|OFF|1|0]
TM-XDOP-01XN.book Page 2 Monday, July 17, 2006 11:19 AM