Operating Instructions
TM-DIOP-01XN-01 4-11
Using DHCP
A DHCP server is used to obtain a dynamic IP that is unique on the
network. To enable DHCP, set the default IP to “”. On power up
the Ethernet interface card will request a unique IP address from the
DHCP server which it will set as its active IP address.
If the “SMTP (email) Server” and “Email Alert Address” is setup
properly the Ethernet interface card will send an email with the obtained
IP address to be used on your Web browser.
On power up, if the default IP address is set to “” the “Gateway IP”
will be reset to “” as well so that it could obtain a valid gateway IP.
This is done to facilitate the use of the XDI on different networks when
using DHCP. If the default IP is static, the gateway IP is left unchanged.
What Power On Does
During power on the Ethernet interface card takes approximately 8
seconds to initialize. If a DHCP server is used, the card resets the gateway
IP and attempts to get a new active IP and gateway. Once initialization is
completed, the card will attempt to enable its Web server. It will do so for
the next minute. If successful, it attempts to send an email to the
configured “Email Alert Address” using the configured “SMTP Server”
(see “Network Connection” on page 4–9).
If you set the default IP to “” and you connect a computer
directly to the inverter (without a DHCP server), the unit’s active IP will also be
“”and communication to the inverter will not be possible.
To correct the problem, connect the inverter back onto the network using DHCP
or reset the Ethernet (see “Resetting” on page 4–6).