
6279 Specific Notes
This section is clarification to the existing documentation available for the 6279 system.
Timer Reset Button
This button will reset the timer value to the previous setting, NOT to the factory default setting.
Shared Settings
Many of the setting for Scan-to-Mailbox and Scan-to-Network are shared and so many of the settings made on
one will stay when selecting the other.
Can’t interrupt multi-page/set operations
When creating a collated copy set or a multi-page scan file you cannot leave the Service to enter another service
like machine info to change administration settings. To allow the user to do so would force an abort of the
current scanned job or potentially change a setting which should have applied to all pages and so produce an
inconsistent set.
Speeding up Remote Print Times
When scanning a document to a remote printer it is important to use an appropriate resolution for the
application. A 600 dpi scan in full color will take significantly longer to process than a 200 or 300 dpi scan.
Unless the application warrants a high resolution scan, it is recommended that 200-300 dpi be used to increase
Installing and removing feature keys
The 6279 system must be in an idle state, not in a power-saving state when installing or removing feature keys.
In a power-saving state some components are powered down and cannot respond to feature key changes.
Any Sheet page sizes
When submitting a job where the media size is set to “ANY_SHEET” all standard page sizes will be used to identify
a good fitting sheet. Standard page sizes include all ANSI, ARCH, ISO A, ISO B, 30x42, 17x25, 22x36 and
extended ISO sizes like 297x1189, 297x841, 420x841, 594x1189, 841x2378.,
Changing settings on Instant Accxes folders
When settings are changed on Instant Accxes folders, the folder usually needs to be re-shared to the network.
This may cause InstantAccxes folders which are open on client workstations to become invalid until the user
closes the folder and re-opens it.
Background removal is dependant on the document
Background removal is a function of the document content and may be different depending on which side
of the document is scanned first. Rotating a document which had poor background suppression results may
improve the background removal.
The toner door is interlocked
There is an interlock switch on the toner door which will shut down the machine if the door is opened to
prevent injury to users.