Glossary 16
pica 1. Unit of measurement equal to 0.166 inch. Picas are often
used to express line measure or column width. There are
about 6 picas to an inch. Refer to point.
2. A 10-pitch typeface.
pitch 1. Horizontal character spacing; 10-pitch (10 characters per
inch) spacing is called pica, and 12-pitch (12 characters per
inch) spacing is called elite.
2. The number of page images placed on the xerographic belt
during one revolution.
pixel Short for picture element. Smallest identifiable point of a
bitmapped screen that can be independently assigned color and
intensity. Pixels are definable locations on a display used to form
images. For graphic displays, more pixels generally provide
higher resolution. Spots, dots, and pixels are used
point Unit of measurement equal to 0.0139 inch. Points are always
used to express type size and leading. There are 12 points to a
pica and about 72 points to every inch. Refer to pica.
point size Height of character set from the top of its ascenders to the
bottom of its descenders in units called points. Point size does
not always include leading.
portrait page
Orientation of print lines or the top of an illustration parallel to the
short edge of the paper.
PostScript Page description language developed by Adobe Systems,
Incorporated. PostScript describes the input (type, format,
characteristics), performs the processing functions (logical
processing), and describes the output (type, format, font
selection, accounting options) of a print job.
ppm Pages per minute.
primary color A color that, when combined with one or more other primary
colors in a color model system in varying quantities, produces
the palette of colors described by that model.
printer Component of the DocuPrint NPS/IPS that accepts data from the
Printer Controller and prints the document according to the print
attributes specified by the user. The printer also provides paper
stacking, collating, and optional finishing. “DocuPrint printer” or
“printer” refers to the base printer engine (IOT) only, without the
Printer Controller and interface.