Print Archive View
Prints an archive, with thumbnails.
Ends a session with the OneScanner Dispatcher application. If you haven’t
saved any images now open, a message appears to ask you if you want to save
the image before you quit the application.
Edit menu
You use commands in the Edit menu to revise image documents by cutting,
copying, and pasting selected colors and shapes.
Undo (Redo)
Cancels or reapplies your most recent change to the scanned image (Undo).
For example, if you used the eraser tool and erased the wrong thing, you can
choose Undo to cancel the erasure. Redo restores the change you undid.
Removes the material you have selected and places it on the Clipboard.
Copies to the Clipboard the material you have selected. The original image
stays where it was when you selected it.
Chapter 7
For information about editing
images, see Chapter 5,
“Editing Scanned Images.”