I. Forms Utility for the
coax environment
The MRP family of printers has the capability to accept PCL5,
Adobe PostScript Level 2, and SCS data stream via coax direct
connection. This appendix focuses on merging variable data
residing on an IBM Host with PCL forms (macros) using coax
connection. The VTAM Printer Support System (VPS - Release
6.1) transparency must be used in order to successfully download
PCL forms (macros) to the MRP printer.
Overview of VPS
The VTAM Printer Support System (VPS) is a logical extension of
JES that fills a void in JES output-delivery facilities. VPS routes JES
spooled output to any VTAM LU-0 (non-SNA), LU-1 (SNA/SCS) or
LU-3 (SNA/DSC) device for all 3270-type printers as well as any
other printer that attaches to a 3174/3274/3276 control unit (such
as the Xerox laser printers).
After the sysout has been retrieved from JES, VPS builds print
buffers with appropriate print control orders and, using standard
VTAM facilities, then sends it to the appropriate VPS printer. VPS
can insert special transparency codes into an output to
accommodate special requirements of printers, printer emulation
packages, or protocol converters. For more details on VPS, refer
to the VPS Installation and Operation Manual Release 6.1.
VPS remote configuration
The VPS remote configuration necessary to enable transparency
requires you add or modify the following command for your
particular remote under VPS.R61.CNTL.
This command specifies when transparency should be used for a
specific printer. For example, the above command was added to
the configuration file VPS.R61.CNTL(VPSR156). VPS remote
printer 156 will signify sysout class A to start each line with the
transparency character hexadecimal 35 followed by a one-byte
length field. The transparency character and length will be
inserted multiple times by VPS if the data line is longer that 255
There are other values that can be placed in each of the
parameter fields. For other values or specific detail, refer to the
VPS Installation and Operation Manual Release 6.1.